guide in case there is no connection
{turn on wi-fi}
\ simple steps →
The radio will be your best bet for information right now, but try not to panic—you can't do anything if you don't have a plan. Tune in to the radio and try to catch the news wave
We know, it's hard to not freak out when you're stuck in a shelter, but don't panic! If there's nothing on the radio, then keep your phone on—authorities might send out text messages with instructions for survival! While you wait for them, take selfies as a memento of your cool time
If after 24 hours (or maybe even more) without any texts from anyone, then it's time to leave the shelter and go find help
all about the cowards weapons

If an a-Bomb falls
exposure time__null
{ “last nuclear explosion: October 24, 1990",
“nuclear tests for all time 1054” }
“nuclear tests for all time 1054” }
Get inside the nearest
building to avoid radiation
Brick or concrete are best
*Brick or
concrete are best

Just breathe. And if that doesn't work, try singing "I'm never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley. If that still doesn't work, just give up and accept the fact that all the world is collapsing
If you're inside, stay inside. If you're outside, get inside. If you can't do either of those things, then go to the basement or middle of the building and stay away from the outer walls and roof. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. Remove contaminated clothing and wipe off unprotected skin. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, if possible.
If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household.

{ ”If you are outdoors when a detonation occurs take cover from the blast behind anything that might offer protection. Lie face down to protect exposed skin from the heat” }

{ ”Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, if possible. If you are in a vehicle, stop safely, and duck down within the vehicle” }

{ ”After the shock wave passes, get inside the nearest, best shelter location for protection from potential fallout. You will have 10 minutes or more to find an adequate shelter” }
Stay inside for 24 hours unless local authorities provide other instructions
You know what they say: When the fallout arrives, you don't want to be outside. But first, you've got to make sure the shelter is safe. Practice social distancing. That means wearing a mask whenever possible and keeping at least six feet between yourself and other people who aren't part of your household.
By 48 hours after the blast, an area that is initially exposed to 1,000 roentgens (a unit of ionizing radiation) per hour will experience only 10 roentgens per hour of radiation, according to "Nuclear War Survival Skills." About half of the people who experience a total radiation dose of about 350 roentgens over a couple of days are likely to die from acute radiation poisoning, according to the handbook.

By 48 hours after the blast, an area that is initially exposed to 1,000 roentgens (a unit of ionizing radiation) per hour will experience only 10 roentgens per hour of radiation, according to "Nuclear War Survival Skills." About half of the people who experience a total radiation dose of about 350 roentgens over a couple of days are likely to die from acute radiation poisoning, according to the handbook.
Keep your pets inside

If you're worried about being able to get information after a nuclear detonation, don't be. Most media sources will still be functioning.
.... . .-.. .--. ..- -.- .-. .- .. -. . -.. . ..-. . .- - .-. ..- ... ... .. .- -. --- .-- --..-- ... --- .- ... -. --- - - --- ... .. - .. -. ... .... . .-.. - . .-. ... .-.. .- - . .-.
Battery operated and hand crank radios will function after a nuclear detonation.
Cell phone, text messaging, television, and internet services may be disrupted or unavailable.

{ ”If you have a couple of walkie-talkies lying around, take them with you” }

{ ”it never hurts to be able to assemble the radio yourself” }

{ ”Take this little old thing with you and it will help you survive in the dungeons” }
”If you have a couple of walkie-talkies lying around, take them with you”
”it never hurts to be able to assemble the radio yourself”
”Take this little old thing with you and it will help you survive in the dungeons”
don't worry, the situation is under control
it's not a joke turn off the wi-fi
You're on your own here, but stay tuned for update from emergency response officials. If advised to evacuate, listen for information about routes, shelters, and procedures.
Immediately after you
are inside shelter
if you may have been outside
after the fallout arrived
The first thing to do is to have a nudist party. I mean, you need to take off your contaminated clothes. Take a shower or wash with soap and water to remove fallout from any skin or hair that was not covered. Remember: if you want to stay healthy, it's all about the cleanliness.
If you're stuck in your bunker, you might be wondering how you can shower. But don't worry! There are still ways to stay clean even if there's no running water. You need wet wipes! If you have some soap, use it to wash the rest of your body as well—just make sure to use a wipe or clean wet cloth to wipe off any fallout particles.

{ “Regularly check for updates or guidelines from authorities on the safe reintegration of pets into the environment following a hazardous event, ensuring their well-being in the long term.” }

It is safe to eat or drink packaged food items or items that were inside a building. Do not consume food or liquids that were outdoors uncovered and may be contaminated by fallout
{ “list of food to eat while in the shelter” }
*eat only packaged food

{ “Do not consume food or liquids that were outdoors uncovered and may be contaminated by fallout” }

If you are sick or injured,
listen for instructions on how
and where to get medical
attention when authorities tell
you it is safe to exit
{ “If you are sick and need medical attention, contact your healthcare provider for instructions” }
{ If your pets are also caught in the fallout, give them a spa too. Water, soap, or wipes - wash all the dirt and dust off them. }
{ Remember to prioritize the safety and well-being of your pets during a fallout situation. If they are exposed to dirt and dust, it is recommended to give them a gentle spa treatment using water, soap, or wipes to clean and remove any potential contaminants. }

Engage virtually with your community through video and phone calls. Take care of your body and talk to someone if you are feeling upset.
Know that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed
Immediately after you
are inside shelter
if you may have been outside
after the fallout arrived

The first thing to do is to have a nudist party. I mean, you need to take off your contaminated clothes. Take a shower or wash with soap and water to remove fallout from any skin or hair that was not covered. Remember: if you want to stay healthy, it's all about the cleanliness.
If you're stuck in your bunker, you might be wondering how you can shower. But don't worry! There are still ways to stay clean even if there's no running water. You need wet wipes! If you have some soap, use it to wash the rest of your body as well—just make sure to use a wipe or clean wet cloth to wipe off any fallout particles.
{“Regularly check for updates or guidelines from authorities on the safe reintegration of pets into the environment following a hazardous event, ensuring their well-being in the long term.”}

{ “list of food to eat while in the shelter” }
It is safe to eat or drink packaged food items or items that were inside a building. Do not consume food or liquids that were outdoors uncovered and may be contaminated by fallout

{ “Do not consume food or liquids that were outdoors uncovered and may be contaminated by fallout” }

If you are sick or injured, listen for instructions on how and where to get medical attention when authorities tell you it is safe to exit

{ “If you are sick and need medical attention, contact your healthcare provider for instructions” }
{ If your pets are also caught in the fallout, give them a spa too. Water, soap, or wipes - wash all the dirt and dust off them. }
{ Remember to prioritize the safety and well-being of your pets during a fallout situation. If they are exposed to dirt and dust, it is recommended to give them a gentle spa treatment using water, soap, or wipes to clean and remove any potential contaminants. }
Engage virtually with your community through video and phone calls. Take care of your body and talk to someone if you are feeling upset.
Know that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed
05 - be safe after
Staying inside
is the key to safety
The Big Bang has already happened, you are tired of sitting in the shelter and really want to check if there are no zombie mutants outside. It's time to get out!

Dig out your Geiger counter, and try and work out exactly when the outside world will be safe to explore. If you don't have one, find a daredevil willing to go out into the radiation world. If neither is available, wait for notification from the authorities. You should keep listening to the radio for any news about other options for relocation that might become available in the coming weeks or months.

A minimum stay of 24-hours, and a maximum stay of 14-days - enough time for the initial radiation to fall to (relatively) safe levels. Keep listening to the radio. You may receive word of safer shelters, uncontaminated water and food supplies, or an update on radiation levels. But don't expect to be checked into a five-star hotel.
You'd better get dressed up before you go out. Wear a mask, gloves, and closed clothing. But don't walk the streets – find information on relief locations and head there.
Seven hours after a nuclear explosion,
the residual radioactivity will decrease to about 10%,
and another 48 hours after a nuclear explosion to 1%
Geiger counter, Safe, Explore, Radiation, Daredevil, Notification, Relocation
Geiger counter, Safe, Explore, Radiation, Daredevil, Notification, Relocation
Make sure to update yourself on the latest Government directions and announcements.

06 - Prepare NOW
so as not to panic and be prepared in case of a disaster, start preparing now

so as not to panic and be prepared in case of a disaster, start preparing now
Make sure you have an Emergency Supply Kit for places you frequent and might have to stay for 24 hours

When it comes to packing a bug-out bag, you need to think about your basic needs. Forget about your PS and hair styler. Food, water, shelter, tools are the most important things you should pack. And of course, safety is critical! You'll want to wear protective clothing and take whatever precautions. Stack things in a backpack so your hands are free to grab your head in a panic.
{ “If possible, store supplies for three or more days” }

An adequately assembled backpack = a high chance of survival
In the first minutes and hours after an explosion, the risk of exposure to radioactive fallout is highest, especially outdoors. That's why you can't go shopping. If one of your kits is not on hand in the event of an explosion, try to grab these items:
When one of the crazy rulers presses a button, there will be no time to pack a bag. You have only a few minutes to take cover from the radiation after a blow. It is wise to prepare a plan and assemble a few small basic emergency kits to keep hidden at home, at work, and in the car.
Water / Food / radio hand sanitizer / soap flashlight
prepare everything in
advance to avoid unnecessary exits

01 - bottled water
02 - packaged foods
03 - emergency medicines
04 - Pet Food Safety
05 - battery-powered radio
06 - a flashlight, and extra batteries
07 - clothing

If the explosion caught you in the supermarket, do not run to get alcohol, but better to get clean water. Although if you have time, take vodka too. It'll come in handy! (For treating wounds)
Back to the water — one gallon per person daily is the minimum. Boiling tap water does not get rid of radioactive material. You should have bottled water in your emergency supplies. You can drink water, juices, or other drinks in sealed containers. If you think the container or package may have radioactive material on the outside, use a damp cloth or clean towel to wipe it off before opening it

Stock up on non-perishable foods. The deliverer can't bring sushi and pizza because of radiation (oops). Rice, wheat, sugar, honey, oats, pasta and beans can last several years
Yes, canned food doesn't compare to the taste of avocado toast, but it may not spoil for very long. Choose foods that are high in carbohydrates for more calories and store them in a cool, dry place. Wipe off food containers with a damp cloth or clean towel before opening them. Pack used cloth or towel in a plastic bag or airtight container

As a reminder, you will not be able to call a doctor. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on all the necessary medications. It should have all the medicine you need on a regular basis, disinfectants, painkillers, and material to close wounds and stop bleeding
You'll need sterile gauze and bandages, antibiotic ointment, latex gloves, scissors, tweezers, a thermometer and a blanket. If you take any specific medications every day—like insulin or birth control pills—try to make sure you have an emergency supply built up as well

When you take the stress away with alcohol, your pet will definitely want to join in. But since dogs and cats can't drink alcohol, give them water. Take plenty of it
Wipe off pet food containers with a damp cloth or clean towel before opening them. Wipe off pet bowls, dishes, and mats too. Put the used cloth or towel in a plastic bag or other sealable container and place the bag in an out-of-the-way place, away from other people and pets

Back to basic - take a radio. Your favorite phone and laptop are not reliable. Take a battery-operated radio with you. Teenagers should also download the manual of the radio ( it''s not as clear as the iPhone)
Staying in touch with the outside world is a necessity. News and instructions will be transmitted by radio, TV, and text messages. Make sure you bring spare batteries for the radio. Prepare a charger and a power bank for your phone

Check the charge in your devices in advance and stock up on items to recharge them. After all, you'll need to take selfies in the bunker! Round out your emergency preparedness kit with a flashlight and batteries
A nuclear weapon detonated at a very high altitude will generate an electromagnetic pulse so powerful that it can destroy electronic and electrical devices. Unplug all devices from electrical sockets and antennas

Be prepared not to change clothes for weeks. Fans of minimalism will love it! But anyway grab warm stuff (even it’s summer). It can get cold in your shelter
Have at least one change of clothes in your backpack. Don’t take up too much space. It’s more important to pack food, water and medicine